Tag Archives: therapy

Note to Self


A lot of things seem out of control right now.

As someone who has spent their life trying to control their environment, these times are especially hard. I’ve realized the only thing I’ve ever even remotely had control over was myself and that is true today and always.

To honor myself and what I can control, I’ve been using this time to do a lot of self-reflection and preparing myself for growth and whatever may be next. Part of that work has been assembling a care team through therapy, hypnotherapy, small group discussion and fellowship with aligned artists and truth seekers, and life coaching.

One of my exercises was to write a letter to my current self from my future self – who is living in the space where I want to end up. What advice or guidance does she have for me?

What follows is my letter.

Dearest Jen,

First of all, I want to thank you.

It was your drive, love, strength and compassion that brought us to where we are today. You should be so proud of all that you have accomplished.

You need to start believing that, while you have had an impressive start, that isn’t the end for you. You haven’t peaked; you’ve set the foundation for greater things to come. I know you feel stuck. I know you aren’t sure how everything is going to work out – but you know as well as I do that it does and it will. It always has.

So now, let’s marry our dreams and our reality so they become one. And let others help you along the way. Don’t just accept a hand; seek one. Guidance and mentorship have always been something you’ve valued and known to be critical for growth. That doesn’t stop once you are out of school and on a career path.

Please try to see yourself the way I do. Beautiful, confident, loved. Get rid of the old, negative scripts in your head that tell you you’re not good enough, attractive enough, smart enough, loved enough…they are all lies and projections others have given you that you’ve internalized. Let. It. Go.

When you look back at pictures of yourself you smile. You see the beauty that was always there. You remember the good things and realize you were way too hard on yourself. You were lovely just the way you were. That is what I’m trying to get you to realize about yourself now. You are not just “good enough” the way you are – you are magnificent.

You are your ancestors’ dreams realized. You are not letting anyone down. No one is looking at you with disappointment. They are all cheering you on. Everyone is rooting for you and is proud of you.

Sure, there are things you can do to grow and improve – and you are doing them and will continue to do them. Give yourself grace throughout the process. Your progress is not linear or an overnight sensation, but it is happening and it will happen exponentially when you let go of the things and thoughts that are no longer serving you.

We got this. Love you, babe!

I wanted to share this in hopes that it may resonate with you and encourage you to seek your own inner peace. You got this.

Sending you love on your journey,
