Category Archives: Just Eat It


Taco Bell has a 1,200 word limit on their survey responses – so the part I actually submitted (on 03.14.14) is bolded, but so much more needed to be said.

Quite honestly, I have never had a bad experience at Taco Bell and our relationship has been a long one.


Growing up, my father was the cook in our family. My mother was an excellent baker and she could make a mean meatloaf, but beyond that she left the meal planning to my father. Dad was a Major in the Air Force and would occasionally go on TDY. Those times were difficult for all of us and when my mom was overwhelmed with two crazy kids, we would just go to Taco Bell for dinner. This was the ‘Yo Quiero Taco Bell’ era and we had stacks on stacks of Star Wars Episode 1 limited edition cups.

My brother’s awkward stage consisted of him eating Taco Bell sauce packets on the toilet. I knew this happened because I found empty packets in the trash. Upon opening the drawer next to the toilet, I discovered the El Dorado of sauce stashes. ‘Yo quiero,’ indeed.
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