
Taco Bell has a 1,200 word limit on their survey responses – so the part I actually submitted (on 03.14.14) is bolded, but so much more needed to be said.

Quite honestly, I have never had a bad experience at Taco Bell and our relationship has been a long one.


Growing up, my father was the cook in our family. My mother was an excellent baker and she could make a mean meatloaf, but beyond that she left the meal planning to my father. Dad was a Major in the Air Force and would occasionally go on TDY. Those times were difficult for all of us and when my mom was overwhelmed with two crazy kids, we would just go to Taco Bell for dinner. This was the ‘Yo Quiero Taco Bell’ era and we had stacks on stacks of Star Wars Episode 1 limited edition cups.

My brother’s awkward stage consisted of him eating Taco Bell sauce packets on the toilet. I knew this happened because I found empty packets in the trash. Upon opening the drawer next to the toilet, I discovered the El Dorado of sauce stashes. ‘Yo quiero,’ indeed.

As we have grown older, Taco Bell has been there for us. It is our go-to quick meal on road trips – with a menu so robust that everyone can find a meaty, cheesy combo just right for them.

Now, as a responsible adult in her mid-twenties, I often provide late-night sober rides home for my friends. It is not without reward, as my drunky friends insist on buying Taco Bell on the way home. You sure do know your Fourth Meal demographic, don’t cha?!

In all of the instances I can remember, the customer service at Taco Bell has been good. At worst, the service has been unmemorable and on average it has been pleasant. For a while now, I have been aware of the Taco Bell customer experience survey prompts on the back of my receipts. Yet, by the time I finish eating, the receipt gets thrown away with my trash and aspirations of actually bringing a lunch from home. Until today, Taco Bell. Until today.

Your team members at the 5560 Beckley Road location (Store #003611) in Battle Creek really do #LiveMas.

I was out on my lunch break today getting a pair of sunglasses with the foolish hope that warm, sunny days are imminent. I was also planning on going to the grocery store and picking up a few things to make sensible lunches for today through next week, but was running out of time. So, screw it. ¡Vamos a Taco Bell!

I was greeted with the kind of service I always receive at Store #003611 – exceptional. No, really. Every time I leave this location I think, ‘Did I actually have that nice of an experience ordering fast food in my car? It has to be a fluke.’ But it’s not. I receive consistently exceptional service there.

The first time I went through #003611’s drive-through, I got to the pay window and was greeted by a smiling and upbeat team member. Like, really upbeat. I thought that I must have caught her right after a fun moment with a co-worker and her residual happiness trickled through to our interaction. However, this was not an isolated incident. It has always been like this with both female and male team members at this location.

So, going back today, I am about to pay for my loaded griller and needed to unload a lot of pennies that were weighing down my clutch. I do not like being ‘that girl’ who pays with too many pennies, but I was today.

I apologetically gave my handful of chump change to a smiling Christine C (according to my receipt). I slumped back into my seat with shame when, like an angel, Christine said, “I am so glad you came through here. I needed pennies.”

Did she actually need pennies? Does it matter?

I laughed.

She laughed.

Then she said, “Have a nice day.” And you know what? I did.